How to navigate generosity and faith in relationships: David and Eli Gardner

In this week’s episode of The Magnify Podcast, we met with David and Eli Gardner. David has worked in the gaming industry helping grow EA sports from 0 to $1bn and is now the co-founder and general partner of seed capital company Lvp. While also being the chair of Generous Journey, a business dedicated to helping people understand how we should give and the Bible’s teaching on it. Eli is a clinical psychologist and has founded a charity called Kids Matter about parenting in the city. Below are some of the key highlights from the conversation. 

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Stewardship is the responsibility we have to take care of what we have been given, for example money, organisation. During our life and the different seasons we go through, stewardship will look different. Therefore it is important we are always looking, reflecting and if needed adjusting what we are giving not just financially but also where you're spending your time. At all times we need to be a good steward of everything and responsible.

‘Be generous with money and also time.’

Work it out in your heart 

There is no perfect amount of giving that we all should follow and the decision is one we each need to work out for ourselves. We should be trying to not fall into the trap that when I have enough then I can begin to give. We just need to start. If we just see this as a chore, then we need to stop and reflect and figure out what we need to change in our hearts and giving so we can begin to. 


There is always going to be a tension between your ambition and faith. Ambition isn’t wrong but when it is only to make a lot of money, that is when it becomes unhealthy. When that is our only ambition, we can get corrupted and land on that treadmill we may never get off. Our ambitions should be helping us fulfill our purpose and calling. 

‘A culture of generosity could impact the world for the better.’

Not just Money

Finances are not the only way we can be generous, where we spend our time is also a way to give. This could mean helping out with a project happening in our communities or could even mean being there for those around us and intentionally being there to listen. This could also mean offering our time to share our talents with those who may need it to help them succeed. 

Make sure to Check out Episode 6 to hear David and Eli’s story 

Words by 

Priya Raheja