Donate to magnify

Give & Grow

Help us reach more women with conversations that matter

Magnify is a UK registered charity (charity number 1197908). Our mission is to change the narrative of faith through media. Whilst that is bold, we know that it’s only with God at the centre that we can see transformation.

In order to grow our global platform and community which empowers ambitious women of faith to thrive and impact mainstream industries and culture - we need your help today. As a non-profit organisation, we are dedicated to reaching women with the beauty of the Gospel.

We often hear from our Community how it can be isolating as women of faith, especially when we live in a time of polarisation. We want to see women growing in all areas, and the Gospel flourishing.

We are a growing community that values excellence, authenticity and seeing change both in the lives of the women we serve, and the greater impact through them into their relationships, friendships, industry and platforms.

How we are growing our community:

  • The Magnify Conversations

Our weekly YouTube video podcast where our guests get real and authentic on an important conversation

  • Print Magazine

Our flagship, evergreen print magazine featuring editorials, stories and articles all from people thriving in their industry

  • Voice of the Month

Our monthly digital series featuring a woman of faith at the top of her sphere. Both inspirational and practical

Our content isn’t trapped behind a paywall, and we want to continue making a difference whilst keeping our offerings as accessible as possible.

You can help our community grow by giving financially to Magnify. Thanks to our generous donors, we’re able to have a growing impact on many women, but we know there are so many more we need to reach.

Together, we can create a lasting impact.