Magnify Messages on Strength

Has your confidence ever been affected by the opinions of others? Do you ever feel powerless when witnessing all that’s going on in the world around you? You are not alone. In life there will be many times when we either question our strength, or find it hard to be strong. At Magnify we know that being ambitious and conscious women can also bring doubts and weariness, so we’ve put some tips together to help you when you’re feeling less than your normal self.


Lean on others

‘So comfort each other and make each other strong as you are already doing.’ Thessalonians 5:11

We can find encouragement in the relationships and connections we have been blessed with in our lives. Carve out time to spend with people who know you well. Ask them to remind you of your strengths, and listen to them. It doesn’t have to always be those close to us we lean on either. With the recent reports on climate change and coverage on Afghanistan, the news has felt very heavy, but we can find hope through those who are working to help those matters. 

Find a new source

‘Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.’ 2 Corinthians 12:9

While listening to external voices or our own voice to lift us up can be helpful, when it is our sole source, when these voices waver, so will we. Because God is unchanging and always constant, we know we will always be able to count on Him to see us through difficult times. In fact, it’s in our weaknesses that His power and comfort works best. In our frailty, the need for His presence in our lives is proven.

Look at the facts

‘For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.’ James 1:3

Look back and remember all the obstacles you thought you might never overcome and then look at where you are now. There is no doubt you’ve come a long way, and there is no doubt you will continue to go a long way. God loves and promises to work in our weaknesses and to use our trials and hurdles to help us grow and build us into the people we need to be for our future. Do not underestimate your resilience when you work with God alongside you.

Remember that we have been made uniquely, so our strengths are unique too. When we embrace them and understand how we can grow in our strength both mentally and spiritually, we bring something both new and needed to the world.

Share with our community in the comments what you do to help yourself when you’re questioning your own strength!



Edition 8
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